Democratising Personalised Medicine
Draft Programme
10th Annual Conference
Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Oct 3, 2023
9:00 Welcome Address, President of Republic Slovenia, Dr Nataša Pirc Musar
9:10 Keynote Speeh, Historical Determinants of Progress, Business Case Slovenia, Dr Samo Burja, Bismarck Analysis, Slovenia
9:40 Convergent Medicine - on accelerated convergence of biotechnology, digital health and value based health care, Martin Mössler, Science Park Graz; Austria
10:00 Clinical Research for Personalised Medicine, Dr Heiko von der Leyen, Orgenesis, USA
10:30 break
Alpe Adria Region Champions
moderated by Tine Kračun, Institute for strategic solutions ISR, Slovenia
11:00 Nurturing Knowledge in Times of Turbulence, Dr Aleš Štrancar, Sartorius Bia Separations, Slovenia
11:20 Greenfielding World Class Research in the Region, Dr Jelena Begović, IMGGE Belgrade, Serbia
11:40 Cell Engineering, a View From a Repatriate, Dr Anže Smole, National Institute of Biology, Slovenia
12:00 Panel discussion, What does it take to leverage Alpe Adria Region globally?
12:30 lunch
Ecosystem of Codependent Actors
moderated by Mojca Cvirn, SRC Infonet, Slovenia
13:30 Slovenia - the Cooperator, Dr Robert Golob, Prime Minister of Slovenia
13:50 Artificial Intellingence And Creativity, Marko Grobelnik, Institute Jozef Stefan, Slovenia