We believe Value Based Health Care is the future for Slovenian health care system
Simple reason: You get what you pay for.
So far our payment system has been based on DRGs (Diagnosis Related Groups), meaning that the diagnosis effectively defined the complete payment, regardless of outcomes. The system has worked 15 years ago, but has come a point where hospitals forgot about their primary purpose, providing care to the patient and substituted this for providing billable services often disregarding the patient, the outcomes that the patient has to live with and the quality of life achieved through the treatments.
VBHC’s value is in the simple purpose, that of striving to maximise the results viewed from the perspective of all involved, the patient, but also the health care teams, the hospitals and the payers. The method is successful when this new approach fosters creation of trust, both within teams inside hospitals, but also among competing teams from different hospitals, with the aim to raise the bar of quality of care and outcomes. When that is achieved, everybody wins.
Below please download our 80 page whitepaper about how we envision the introduction of VBHC to Slovenia. We’re now in the phase of convincing the policy makers that this is the right first step to take. The road ahead is long. 10 years at least. We’re convinced it will be worthwhile.
Gregor Cuzak, coordinator of the Expert group for the introduction of VBHC, March 2023
Guidelines for implementation of VBHC in Slovenia —> pdf