MeetUp webinar 9. april 2020: Financiranje zdravstvenih inovacij v času COVID-19
/Termin: četrtek, 9. april 2020, od 14:00 do 15:20
Lokacija: platforma Zoom, registracije sprejemamo v Eventbrite - povezava
Vlaganje v tehnološke rešitve na področju zdravstva je zadnja leta vztrajno naraščalo. Kakšna prihodnost se obeta zaradi ekonomskih učinkov koronavirusa? Ko je koronavirus dosegel Evropo in ZDA, je se je uporaba telemedicine izjemno povečala, številna podjetja so pripravila digitalne rešitve za zdravstveno osebje in pacinete. Kakšne bodo ekonomske posledice koronavirusa na financiranje podjetij?
Pridruži se nam 9. aprila ob 14. uri
Govorili bomo o trendih pri financiranju inovacij v zdravstvu pred krizo in spremembah zaradi krize, delili bomo tudi pričakovanja za prihodnost. Če se boš udeležil dogodka, prosim izpolni anketo in nam povej, kaj o tem misliš ti, postavi vprašanja, komentiraj, da bomo o tem lahko skupaj govorili na samem dogodku.
14:00-14:05 Uvod
14:05-14:20 Pregled globalnih trendov na področju medicinske tehnologije in digitalnega zdravja (Levi Shapiro)
14:20-14:35 Razvoj finančne krajine v zdravstvu in učinki koronavirusa (Nana Bit-Avragim)
14:35-15:10 Okrogla miza: Učinki koronavirusa na ekonomijo, financiranje podjetij in startupov na področju zdravstva (Nana Bit-Avragim, Levi Shapiro, Giovanni Loser, Blaž Triglav, moderator Tjaša Zajc)
15:10-15:20 Q&A
Dogodek bo potekal v angleščini.
Levi Shapiro, investitor, podjetnik, ustanovitely mHealth Israel
Levi Shapiro je inovator na področju digitalnega zdravja z uspešno zgodovino investicij in ustanavljanja novih podjetij. Med drugim je tudi ustanovitelj neprofitne organizacije mHealth Israel, ki podpira izraelsko skupnost podjetij v zdravju. Trenutno tudi poučuje podjetništvo v digitalnem zdravju na BioMED MBA programu pri univerzi Hebrew University.
Posebno vabilo: Levi vabi člane tudi na udeležbo na webinarju o zdravstu v Franciji, 2. aprila ob 14h, na povezavi tule.
Nana Bit-Avragim, arhitektka rešitev digitalnega zdravja
Nana Bit-Avragim je zdravnica-znanstvenica in snovalka digitalnih zdravstvenih rešitev z interesom v radikalni inovaciji. V preteklosti je uspešno razvila širok spekter platform in inovacijskih programov med neprofitnimi organizacijami, podjetji in fakultetami pri nemški fundaciji Charité, nemškim odsekom Singularity University in v zadnjem obdobju pri medicinski fakulteti Brandenburg Medical School. Je tudi svetovalka več startupom v Nemčiji, Veliki Britaniji, Švici in Izraelu.
Blaž Triglav, CEO Mediately
Blaž Triglav je izkušen podjetnik s področja zdravstva. Leta 2013 je so-ustanovil družbo Mediately, ki zdravnikom pomaga pri lažjem odločanju s pomočjo Mediatelyjevih digitalnih orodij. Obenem Mediately farmacevtskim družbam omogoča učinkovito oglaševanje v digitalni dobi. Mediatelyjeva aplikacija Register zdravil strmi postati vodilna aplikacija za pomoč pri odločanju zdravnikom v osrednji in vzhodni Evropi, uporablja jo že več kot 100.000 zdravnikov.
Intervju z njim smo objavili na novicah.
Giovanni Loser, direktor BioValley Investments Partner s.r.l.
Giovanni Loser je investitor z bogatimi izkušnjami vodenja in mednarodne koordinacije globalnih podjetij. Med drugim je v preteklosti delal za illycaffe, Fortress Investment group, Aedes, Rinascente and Pirelli Group. Področja njegove specializacije so finance, strateško načrtovanje, digitalna transformacija, projektno vodenje in pogajanja na področju finančne industrije, potrošništva, pogajanj in znanosti.
Tudi z Giovannijem smo objavili intervju na novicah.
Dogodek organiziramo v sodelovanju z Arte (Interreg IT-SLO)
Naš partner pri organizaciji tega in številnih drugih dogodkov je Faces of Digital Health, poslušajte Tjašine podcaste iz sveta digitalnega zdravja.
Healthcare innovation financing in times of COVID-19
What will be the economic consequences of coronavirus on fundraising in digital health, MedTech and biotech? About this Event Investments in digital health and biotech have been steadily rising in the last few years. When the coronavirus reached Europe and the US, the use of telemedicine surged, and numerous companies built digital solutions within days to support healthcare and individuals. What will be the economic consequences of coronavirus on fundraising?
Join us for the webinar on 9 April at 2 pm,
where we will talk about the funding trends before the pandemic and discuss expectations of the future. Please fill out this survey before the event and share your thoughts, questions, which we will then address together!
When: 9. april 2020, 14:00
Where: Zoom teleconferencing platform, registrations are welcome in Eventbrite
Duration: 14:00 - 15:20
14:00-14:05 Introduction
14:05 - 14:20 Overview of the global digital health scene up until now, COVID-19 related investments (Levi Shapiro)
14:20-14:35 Rethinking financial landscape in healthcare and future trends given the COVID-19 induced economic crisis (Nana Bit-Avragim)
14:35-15:10 Round table: Effects of COVID-19 to business (Nana Bit-Avragim, Levi Shapiro, Giovanni Loser, moderator Tjaša Zajc)
15:10-15:20 Q&A with the audience
Levi Shapiro, Founder of mHealth Israel
Levi Shapiro is a global thought-leader in the field of digital health and Health technology. He runs the digital health program in the BioMED MBA at Hebrew University, where his course is available for e-learning. Mr. Shapiro is the Founder of mHealth Israel, a non-profit supporting Israel’s healthtech, Health IT and MedTech startup community, with more than 7,000 members. He holds several Board positions and is a retained advisor by prominent global healthcare organizations. Over a career spanning more than two decades, including seven years in Beijing and Tokyo, Mr. Shapiro launched new business units (IBM), new products and services (Toyota) and a variety of technology startups. He is an investor and Board Member in numerous Israeli HealthTech startups and formerly a General Partner in the Veritas Digital Health fund. Mr. Shapiro holds degrees from Tulane (BA), Cornell (Asian Studies, FALCON program) and MIT (MBA).
Special invite: Levi invites all members to also participate in a webinar on Healthcare in France, on April 2 at 14:00, more information here.
Nana Bit-Avragim, digital health business architect
Nana Bit-Avragim is a physician-scientist and digital health business architect with a focus on radical innovation. In the past, she had successfully developed and executed a broad scope of networking platforms and innovation programs between NGOs, SMEs and academia at Charité Foundation; German hub of Singularity University, an executive education organisation based on NASA Research Park in Silicon Valley; and lately at Brandenburg Medical School. Actively transforming the current healthcare industry, Nana enjoys serving as an advisor to several digital health companies in the UK, Germany, Switzerland and Israel.
Blaž Triglav, CEO Mediately
Blaž Triglav is an experienced executive in the digital healthcare space, helping doctors make better decisions with digital tools and helping pharmaceutical companies market effectively in the digital age. He co-founded Mediately in 2013 and launched Mediately Drugs app, which strives to become the Nr.1 digital medical tool in Central and Eastern Europe used by more than 100,000 doctors.
Giovanni Loser, CEO of BioValley Investments Partner S.r.l.
Giovanni Loser is a versatile professional with a cross-industry career history steering global operations on behalf of start-up and established organizations. His career portfolio is comprised of entities as illycaffe, Fortress Investment group, Aedes, Rinascente and Pirelli Group. His areas of expertise include finance, strategy development and execution, digital transformation, program/project management, and contract negotiation in finance, retail, consumer goods, digital, high technology and life science.
The event is organised in cooperation with Arte (Interreg IT-SLO)
Our partner in this event and many others is also Faces of Digital Health, we recommend you check it and listen to the podcasts Tjaša Zajc is publishing.