of the first Digital Health Superevent Slovenia
Event program
Moderator dogodka / Event moderator: Tjaša Zajc, Medicina Danes
08.30 - Registracija in jutranja kavica ob rogljičkih / Registration with
morning coffee & croissants
09.30 - Pozdravni nagovori / Welcome speeches: Iztok Lesjak, TPLJ; Tomaž Gornik, Marand
09.40 - John Crawford, IBM – Povezano zdravje: stanje digitalnega zdravja in eZdravja v Evropi / Connected health: state of digital health and eHealth in Europe
10.00 - Pascal Lardier, Health 2.0– Od zdravja do dobrega počutja: Health 2.0 / From health to wellness, the Health 2.0 landscape and trends
10.20 - Anže Droljc, Marand – Zakaj je informatizacija priložnost in ne ovira; naše izkušnje z zdravniki / Why is informatization an opportunity not the obstacle; our experience with doctors
10.40 - Klaus Stöckemann, Peppermint Venture Partners - Motiviranje zavarovalnic in investitorjev za sprejemanje in vpeljevanje digitalnih rešitev / Motivating insurance companies and investors towards embracing digital health solutions
11.00 - Odmor / Coffee break
11.20 - Prof. dr. Tadej Battelino, Pediatrična klinika v Ljubljani / University Children's Hospital Ljubljana – Kako digitalno zdravje spreminja obravnavo sladkorne bolezni / How digital health is changing diabetes treatment
11.40 - Jakob Šušterič, MESI – ambulanta prihodnosti: brez papirja, z več časa za bolnika / Physicians office of the future: paperless, with more time for the patient
11.55 - Prof. dr. Zvezdan Pirtošek, Nevrološka klinika, UKC Ljubljana / Neurology Clinic, Ljubljana University Medical Centre – Digitalne inovacije kot ključna rešitev za težave starajoče populacije: obstoječe rešitve za demenco / Digital health solution as a key companion of the ageing population: existing solutions for dementia
12.10 - Michael Dillhyon, President of Vital Connect Europe - Uspeh Vital Connecta in njegovega s strani FDA odobrenega senzora HealthPatch MD / The success of Vital Connect and its flagship product HealthPatch MD - FDA cleared biosensor patch
12.30 - Prof. dr. Matija Tomšič, Oddelek za revmatologijo na UKC Ljubljana / Department of Rheumatology, Ljubljana University Medical Centre – Nuja sodelovanja med zdravniki in start-upi; kako smo izdelali pripomoček za revmatoidni artritis / The urgency of cooperation of doctors and start-ups: how we created an app for Rheumatoidic Arthritis
12.45 - Matic Meglič, Medtronic - Digitalna "Value Based" zdravstvena oskrba / Digitally enabled Value Based Health Care
13.00 - Pogostitev / Lunch break
- Klaus Stöckemann – Peppermint Venture Partners
- Marjan Sušelj, ZZZS / The Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia ZZZS
- Aleš Mikeln - Vzajemna zdravstvena zavarovalnica
- Katarina Kralj - Ministrstvo za zdravje / Ministry of Health
- Pascal Lardier - Health 2.0
15.15 - Zaključek / Wrap up
Prof. Dr. Tadej Battelino, Head of the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology / Diabetology and Metabolism at the University Children's Hospital in Ljubljana, Slovenia - working in the field of pediatric endocrinology for more than 25 years. His research is focused on genetic factors in obesity, currently researching the biological, genetic and epigenetic markers of obesity and metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents. He has written more than 600 publications so far. He is a member of the Diabetes Technology Working Group at the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE). For the last several years he has been working with researchers from Germany and Israel developing a closed-loop treatment for diabetes patients. He is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of D Medical Industries, which develops and markets insulin pumps and infusion sets.
Prof. Dr. Zvezdan Pirtošek, Head of the Department of Neurology at the University Clinic Ljubljana - is a Professor of Neurology and Professor of Cognitive neuroscience, currently serving as Head of Department of Neurology at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana and Head of Neurology at the Medical Faculty of University of Ljubljana. He finished his postgraduate studies and subspecialization in neurodegenerative disorders and cognitive neurophysiology at the Institute of Neurology Queen Square London (UCL). He is a co-founder of the Slovene Association of patients with Parkinson's disease TREPETLIKA. He founded the Centre for Cognitive disorders and Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroscience. He was the principal investigator in several research projects in the field of dementia. He is active internationally, serving also as a member of the Management Board of the EU JPND (Joint Programming for Neurodegenerative disorders, particularly Alzheimer's disease).
Prof. Dr. Matija Tomšič, Head of the Department of Rheumatology at the University Medical Center Ljubljana - is a Professor of Internal Medicine currently serving as Head of the Department of Rheumatology at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana. Working in the field of internal medicine for more than 30 years, he was a leading researcher in several international clinical Phase II and Phase III studies. He has been helping with development of the RheumaHelper smartphone app for rheumatologists, which provides a complete toolbox of classification criteria and disease activity calculators for referencing during day-to-day work. It is regularly used by more than 4000 rheumatologists and was named the Top Rheumatoid Arthritis App of 2015 by Healthline.
Matic Meglic MD PhD MBA: Strategy and Business Model Innovation Director for Integrated Health Solutions EMEA, Medtronic - Matic is striving for implementation of better health care delivery models - using smart technology, patient empowerment and value based payment models.
Before joining Medtronic, Matic has been a contributor to EU public health informatics - as CIO at Slovene National Institute of Public Health, coordinator of the key EU ePublicHealth policy project PARENT as well as actively engaging in EU semantic interoperability projects (Co-chair of epSOS.eu Steering Board, member of EXPAND Executive Committee and contributor to Calliope and eHGI). He has initiated or led numerous eHealth projects and the development of services in the fields of PHR, chronic disease management, patient empowerment and serious gaming for health and lectured as Assistant Professor of eHealth at University of Primorska and Visiting Professor at Medical University of Zagreb. You can find his thoughts on Twitter @matic_meglic
John Crawford, Healthcare Industry Leader for IBM Europe - has been working at IBM since 1992, where he is currently responsible for IBM Healthcare business in Europe, Middle East and Africa, with special emphasis on Europe and the development of the eHealth within and between the European Union member states. He has had extensive experience of IT business development and sales in the finance and insurance industries, media sector, and healthcare & life sciences industries for over 33 years. He is currently focused on the effective use of IT to improve healthcare delivery (eHealth), including innovations in primary care, hospital IT systems, and regional/national eHealth infrastructure. He is also vice president of European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL).
Pascal Lardier, Health Innovation Strategist - holding a bachelor's degree in Marketing and Advertising and a master in Philosophy, Pascal Lardier has been working as a conference and events organizer, market researcher and advisor for different industries for more than 20 years. He has been focusing on healthcare and health innovations since 2010. He is currently the Principal at Health and a senior in-house consultant for Health 2.0 Ltd., acting as the company’s Executive Director for all international activities – conferences and consulting. He is in charge of promoting health innovation ecosystems around the world and connecting key stakeholders including startups, payers, providers, health authorities and VCs. He works with a pool of 40+ European investors with a strong interest in digital health, and advises health SMEs on how to align with their investment criteria. He reviews and advises several hundred eHealth companies every year, with a special focus on European SMEs and liaises with 85+ Health 2.0 Chapters in the world, including 24 in Europe.
Michael Dillhyon, President of Vital Connect Europe - Before joining Vital Connect as President of Vital Connect Europe, Michael Dillhyon was the Founder/CEO of Geneva-based healthbank, a citizen-owned, global open health data cooperative. In 2013, he was the first Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) for SystemsX, Switzerland’s largest (800M CHF) early stage life sciences fund, and served as a mentor for the ETH Entrepreneurship Lab. Prior to 2013, he served as Chairman of Genebio, a bioinformatics software firm, and sat on the Strategic Advisory Committee for HealthTIES, an EU-backed consortium of four of Europe’s top regions in biosciences, medical technology and health entrepreneurship. Before moving to Switzerland in 2004, Michael co-founded two US-based firms: Netelligent Corporation and ActiveObjects, where he held the roles of President, Chairman and CEO respectively. He holds degrees in Biochemistry and Anthropology, as well as a MBA from the Olin School of Business. He has also completed residencies at Harvard Business School, the London School of Business, UC-Berkeley (Venture Capital Executive) and Fudan University.
Dr. Klaus Stöckemann, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Peppermint VenturePartners - after obtaining his PhD in biology and pharmacology, he had held several leading positions in research and development and business development with companies like Schering AG and ASTA Medica. He later became a partner in a leading international investment firm 3i and in 2009 he co-founded Peppermint Venture Partners, which specializes in investments and development of medical devices, digital health and Biotech start-up companies. He is the Chairman of the board of several young companies such as Caterna Vision GmbH, which develops digital therapies for treating eye disorders and Emperra GmbH, which has developed the ESYSTA® System - the first GSM and Bluetooth enabled smart insulin pen connected to a web based portal, enabling web-based telemedical closed-loop management system for patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2. He is also Member of the board of the German Association of Venture Capital since 2015.
Anže Droljc, product manager at Marand - after receiving a bachelor’s degree in information science, he started working for the IT company Marand. He is currently a product manager and business developer for many IT solutions for healthcare. For the last five years Marand has been developing a health information system for the University Pediatric Clinic in Ljubljana, with the final goal of turning the institution into a paperless hospital. Their main product however is the Think!Med Clinical platform which enables better connectivity and interoperability among hospitals and healthcare providers. Based on work processes analysis at the University Pediatric Clinic Ljubljana, Anže Droljc has helped design several IT solutions for doctors and healthcare workers. His main focus at the moment is the development of Think!Meds - innovative and comprehensive medication management system. The development of the product is done in close collaboration with doctors, nurses and pharmacist from Slovenia and UK with the vision to provide care teams better medication management solution which will help improve patient care and safety.
Jakob Šušterič, CEO of MESI - specializing in medical device regulation, medical device standardization, quality management systems, project management, raising funds, business development and marketing strategy is the CEO of a young start-up company MESI, which has been in business since 2010. MESI is developing screening tools for the peripheral arterial disease and has been present in more than 30 countries so far. Their first product ABPI is the first valuable automated ankle-brachial index measuring device (ABPI MD), based on the oscillometric method (one of the plethysmographic techniques). The company’s latest product is mTablet - a tablet which is wirelessly connected to several diagnostic tools (blood pressure cuffs, ECG, ECGI, sECGI ...) and enables a faster and automated medical check-up in the doctors office by connecting to the existing Electronic Health Records of patients.